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Selected 30 Lofi Bumps To Club Night Remedies

Selected #30: Lofi bumps to Club Night Remedies

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This week's featured artist is Canadian Lofi genius Puar. Blending easy beats with a fusion of genres, Puar is modernising and reinventing the lofi space

Take a look at their Q&A on the 'Selected' highlight on our Instagram (

close up of feet on the ground with socks and cards surrounding the feet

Paur - Jumpman

Inspired by new found admiration in basketball, specifically the Chicago Bulls, Canadian artist Puar is back with an easy lofi track appropriately named Jumpman.

Location: Canada
Streams: 629
Instagram: @puarbeats

Go get stuck here!

Ieuan - Honey Lavender

Honey Lavender is the popular track by Californian based artist Ieuan. This dreamy addictive pop track surfaces emotions in new secretive love.

Location: US
Streams: 2.9M
Instagram: @saintcalifornia

Go get entertained here!

A girl looking out the car window

Airbud - Drive Carefully

Drive Carefully is a pop track infused with elements of rock. Airbud is noticeable for his dark illuminating voice, yet this romantic track is perfect for those late night drives.

Location: US
Streams: 20K
Instagram: @lukeborchelt

Go listen here!

Pink, blue, and yellow background with two sculptures of women and text, "Learning How to Love"

KALM - Learning to Love

Kalm is the club master you've been missing out on, based in the UK the artist whips up hot new tracks that'll keep your feet moving and hips grovvin' all through the night.

Location: UK
Streams: 379K
Instagram: @thisiskalm

Go listen here!

a car parked during golden hour with text on the wall that says, "Blinding Lights"

Grace Grundy - Blinding Lights

This gentle yet powerful new cover of the Weekend's Blinding Lights is as dreamy as the cover art. Grace Grundy is a British artist shaking up the UK pop scene with her memorable vocals.

Location: UK
Streams: 119K
Instagram: @gracegrundy

Go get nostalgic here!

Green hill with dog howling at the moon

Zoe Lobos - De Önska

Zoe Lobos is a Swedish artist making playful tracks, fusing rap with energizing vocals and dipping in out of out between english and swedish. De Önksa is not to be underestimated, with strong vocals and a lovable melody.

Location: Sweden
Streams: 6K
Instagram: @znlobos

Go get that boost here!