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Artist Stories Adel

Artist Stories: Adel

“I’ve been through a lot, but I don’t think it’s until now that I’ve realised that it’s my setbacks and failures that have led to my success. My music has definitely opened new doors for me and this is only the beginning” says Adel.

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After last years’ successful debut, it’s time to tell the story of Adel.

We’re now releasing the first episode of our new mini documentary series ‘Artist Stories’, a series launched in order to tell the stories behind the artists. In the first episode of the series, we’re hanging out with Adel for a day in the Stockholm suburb Husby. He tells us about his past and about his music journey.

Adel’s debut single ‘Skina’ was recorded in only two hours during a night session in the studio. The demo leaked and quickly became popular, with over half a million of streams on Youtube, before it was pulled down. The finished debut single was then released on Spotify in the middle of April via Amuse’s distribution service.

‘Skina’ got a couple of hundred thousand streams on Spotify. Adel was soon signed to Amuse label and the success has continued ever since. ‘Skina’ sold gold and was followed up with ‘Spring’, and his two music videos have already reached over 5 million views on Youtube. Adel released his third single ‘Choklad’ last Friday – with a tougher and rawer sound than ever. He’s currently working on his debut EP that’ll be released in the spring.