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Qa With Hardest Bars Ceo Joey Clipstar

Q&A with Hardest Bars CEO, Joey Clipstar

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CEO of rap platform Hardest Bars, Joey Clipstar

We caught up with music all-rounder and CEO of rap platform Hardest Bars, Joey Clipstar. Based in London, Hardest Bars is the evolving online space and video blog created for the rapper community. Clipstar created the platform back in 2011 as a weekly Youtube chart, revealing the top 5 lyrics from new rap releases. It has since grown an impressive following and with additional content of HB Freestyles, HB Streetstyles, Hardest Bars mixtapes, and other content targeted at Urban music audiences.

Q. Name drop the team behind Hardest Bars.

A. The team is comprised of 11 of us:

Myself Joey Clipstar - @Joeyclipstar

Debbie - @Debmckoy 

Ali - @Altindal__

Joey - @joey_l_d_n

Tadas - @Tadas.vanagas 

Kam - @kamcordings

Fran - @Fbondioli_

New motion (hayden & Jordan) - @newmotion_visuals 

Kadeisha - @kadeishakhalil 

Q. How did you meet? 

A. So our team is all sourced, Debbie is my mum, Ali and New Motion applied for their roles, kadeisha was headhunted, Kam is a videopgrapher, I met Fran through the industry, as well as Tadas as we work together at Link Up TV

Q. What's your mission with the channel? 

A. Our mission is to have everything we represent and promote flowing through one channel. For example our HB freestyles & HB Street styles, all our mixtapes and mixtape entries and our Hardest bars live show (via Instagram)

Q. Favourite under-the-radar independent artists right now? 

A. I would say all of the artists on our hb freestyles as everyone who does a hb freestyle is someone who we feel have great potential and people we want to collaborate with.

Q. Best live music venue in London? 

A. I would probably say the 02 Arena 

Q. Which London rappers are on rotation most in the office right now? 

A. Fortunately for the team we have the luxury of working from home so we communicate through our phones etc. however in terms of personally the Insomnia album by Young Adz, Skepta & Chip. 

Q. Top tip for independent music artists who want to get discovered?

A. Stay independent and stay unique!