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Adel Goes Platinum

Adel Goes Certified Platinum

In less than a year, the Stockholm based rapper Adel went from never having released a track, to both a platinum and a gold single – both licensed by Amuse.

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The Stockholm-based artist Adel first single “Skina” is officially certified platinum. He first released ‘Skina’ using Amuse's free distribution, that then turned into a signed licensing deal with the Amuse label. His second single "Spring" went gold at the same time.

We couldn’t be more proud and we send Adel all our best wishes. When we launched Amuse back in March (2016) of this year we had a very straightforward proposition to artists around the world.

  1. Use our app to deliver your music to the biggest music stores.

  2. Keep control of your master recordings and your statistics.

  3. If your song looks like an emerging hit to our label, we will offer you a modern, artist-friendly record deal.

Seven months have passed since the launch and now, there are thousands of songs that have been uploaded to Amuse. Adel’s track is one of them. He uploaded the track back in April and there were early signs of his song becoming a hit. We offered Adel a deal in the summer and now, it's certified platinum. 

The Stockholm-based artist Adel holding awardsAdel at the amuse office. Photo by: Julia Carlsson

Adel’s story is only getting started and for us it is a great confirmation that we have a reimagined label that works in the modern music landscape.

We look forward to welcoming thousands of more artists to the Amuse family and our promise to artists and creators remains intact.

Use Amuse on your terms, maintain control of your music and career, and if our label come knocking to offer you a deal, give it a chance! It might just lead to a gold album and more.

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of ‘Skina’, the praised Swedish rapper released a remix by the Norwegian DJ Kamferdrops last Friday.