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Survey Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

Amuse, amuse

We want to improve our customer satisfaction and offer a better service to you. That’s why we need and appreciate your opinion. 

In addition to your opinion, when you participate in our survey, we collect your Amuse user ID. We use this information about you for research and commercial purposes. We will analyze the results for our own purposes. We may use the collected information to administer the survey, to improve future surveys by, for example, looking at trends regarding how groups in particular locations respond to particular questions. We may also use your information for other purposes if you have given your consent for us to do so, such as contacting you regarding participation in future research.

We only retain data about you for the period necessary for us to gain useful insights from that data and fulfill the uses described in this privacy notice. Generally, we won’t retain personal data about you for more than 2 years from the last date you responded to a survey—unless we have a legal reason requiring us to retain it for longer.

By participating in the survey, you agree that we will process your data in accordance with our privacy policy.

If you have any questions or have changed your mind, you can contact us here: or by sending an email to

This third party event platform has its own privacy policy. If you have questions or concerns regarding how this third party service handles your personal data, please contact them here:

If you are based in Europe and you are not satisfied with any response you receive from us or have an issue with the way we handle your personal information, you can make a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. You can contact this office by emailing