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How To Easily And Legally Sample Music With Tracklib

How to Easily (& Legally) Sample Music with Tracklib

We caught up with Tracklib - the world's only first record store for sampling - to make sampling better and easier.

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Sampling is a big part of music-making for a lot of producers and artists, but releasing music with samples can be complicated and expensive (if not done legally). Our friends at Tracklib make it possible for all our users to legally use samples in your music.

Screenshot of images from Tracklib

Licensing a sample usually means the original rightsholder gets a percentage of your royalty income, meaning there can be quite a lot of accounting involved. Enter - our Royalty Splits feature. It makes sharing royalties with all stakeholders of a release effortless. Just add Tracklib as a partner of the song, and everything else is handled automatically.

Tracklib offers pre-cleared songs for use in music production – giving access to real, original music created by real artists and expert musicians. They’ve transformed what we used to know as “crate-digging”. Instead of venturing to vinyl shops and sorting through numerous records for hours to find a new sound, Tracklib digitalized the process. Discovering a golden two-bar section that will transform your song, now only requires an appropriate filter search based on genre, artist, or record label. 

We caught up with Tracklib's CEO Pär Almqvist to get his take on the revolution of digital sampling and how Tracklib is a part of that progress:

Their catalog of sample-friendly original music ranges as far back as the 1920s, and in it, you can find anything from Mozart to Isaac Hayes. And when you want to release a song with a Tracklib sample, you can license it in just a few clicks, for as little as $50.

Tracklib works for all artists, big and small. Some impressive names who cleared samples through Tracklib in the last year include J. Cole, Lil Wayne, BROCKHAMPTON, DJ Khaled, Mary J. Blige, and many others.

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