Dream Factory

Amuse supports a new generation of DIY and independent artists, from bedroom to stardom. Defining success on their own terms, their dreams form the diverse aspirations of today's music industry.

Dream Factory tells the stories of exciting artists from around the world, embarking on a journey to redefine what traditional stardom looks like. Each artist's dreams are unique. We're here to amplify their voices and visions, one dream at a time.

Making music is an art, driven by the love to create. Dreams are unique, driven by our own view of success. Amuse is for a new generation of stars, making it on their own terms. Here, we shorten the gap between your dream and your reality. Redefining success, one dream at a time. Welcome to Amuse Dream Factory, where dreams become music.

Amuse Dream Factory Roster

Musician Dianna Lopzed with text "Dianna Lopez x Dream Factory Watch Now"
Singer and songwriter Bella Moulden
Lincoln Jesser

Coming Soon:
The Amuse Dream Fund

In connection with Dream Factory, we're also announcing the upcoming launch of the Amuse Dream Fund. The fund will feature monthly giveaways and drops ranging anywhere from free studio sessions to music equipment – anything that can support you on your DIY music journey.

To be the first to know when the first Amuse Dream Fund drops, be sure to sign up to our Amuse newsletter.

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